Q&A with Caleb Harris, Summer 2022 Step-Up Intern

1. What motivated you to intern with Precinct 2 and how does it connect to your career or life goals? I was motivated to become an intern with Precinct 2 because it allowed me to gain work experience while helping to improve and serve the community I have grown to love.
My internship connects to my career goals because it has shown me the necessary skills I will need to be successful, such as teamwork, communication, and the ability to adapt to any situation that may arise.
One of my biggest goals is to assist and empower the people who are often overlooked in life, and this internship has allowed me to do so. In my short time with Precinct 2, we have completed numerous projects and activities to uplift communities and make Harris County a better place to live, work, and play.
2. During your internship, in what Precinct 2 departments or divisions did you work, and what did you do?
I spent most of my internship working in the Community Center Division, more specifically in the Call Center. At the Call Center. I did tasks such as creating and scheduling Precinct 2 events and activities in our online registration/reservations system CivicRec. We attended and helped execute events such as hotspot giveaways, ballroom dance socials, and pet food drives. We also used social media websites such as Facebook to promote upcoming events.
I also received the opportunity to occasionally work with Precinct 2 Senior Director of Communications Frida Villalobos, Press Secretary Scott Spiegel, and the exceptional Communications team. While working with Communications, I received the opportunity to improve my writing skills by composing press releases and captions for social media posts.
3. What did you find most interesting or challenging about your internship experience?
I was amazed by the expertise and talent of our Call Center Specialists. They receive hundreds of calls daily and do a great job of communicating with each constituent in a professional manner. In addition to receiving calls, they create and schedule events online, promote upcoming events, register constituents for activities, and much more. They have a remarkable knowledge of everything that happens within Precinct 2, and I would like to shine a light on the great things they do daily.
![Image[2]-1.jpeg Image[2]-1.jpeg](https://www.hcp2.com/Portals/53/Images/Image[2]-1.jpeg?ver=j2mqZm3PLZy4-08x0R4OsA%3d%3d)
L to R: Rolando De Leon, Maria Anderson, Dianna Casey, Caleb Harris, Alizeh Betancourt, and Lauren Potter4. How has this experience impacted your view on county government?
This experience has impacted my view on county government by giving me insight into the hard work and organization needed to serve a community. Behind every local government health fair, back-to-school drive, ceremony, etc., many dedicated employees are working behind the scenes to make each event successful.
5. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
Five years from now, I hope to have an established career working for a non-profit or in digital marketing. I will be active in my community regardless of where my career takes me. One of my life goals is to create a foundation to support children that grew up in single-parent households, so within the next five years, I hope that I’ll be able to begin the process.