Commissioner Garcia Gets out Into the Community
At the beginning of the year, Commissioner Adrian Garcia laid out how he wanted his schedule to be coordinated and his vision for doing so. He does not like to sit and work from his desk every single day - he likes to get out, meet residents where they live, and really understand what impacts them. One of his goals for this year is to do more of this on a regular basis. This means having more one-on-ones with residents, as well as attending HOA, civic club and PTA meetings, and visits with staff.“I want to visit all Precinct Camps and spend time at job sites while the crews are working. I can get a hard hat and work gloves to use. I want to get my hands dirty with the staff,” Commissioner Garcia said.
And he was serious! At the beginning of January, Commissioner Garcia rode the new Harris County Transit bus routes that were recently launched in East Harris County. The
five new routes were launched to service some of the communities hardest hit by Hurricane Harvey flooding. Take a look at this
clip from that day and listen from one resident who shared what this means for him.
Two weeks ago, the Commissioner visited with the Precinct 2’s Road and Bridge crew to learn more about the process of digging and ditching. And as requested, he was equipped with a hard hat, vest, and gloves. He was serious about getting his hands dirty!
The following are his thoughts about the visit and what he learned that day:
“Precinct 2 has many important responsibilities, key among them is the work done by our Infrastructure and Public Works Departments, which includes our Parks Department.I visited my field staff because what they do is key to improving the quality of life for constituents of Precinct 2. I witnessed their careful work as they improved the water flow of area ditches that often intertwine with gas lines and main waterlines. Their work requires skill and teamwork to get the job done and done quickly.I also watched and helped, as my staff did the labor-intensive work of cleaning out neighborhood culverts. My team does some backbreaking work with shovels and other equipment to clear culverts so that the entire neighborhood drainage system works and prevents neighborhood flooding. I was also proud to be in attendance as we delivered to several employees brand new trucks so that they can do their job even better. Many vehicles were in horrible condition, one employee told us about the hole in his floorboard. Others told us of the frequent breakdowns they were experiencing with vehicles that should have been taken out of service years ago.I also learned of the great pride and commitment our Parks Department has for their work. Many were using their personal equipment to maintain our parks because the previous administration wouldn’t buy the equipment they needed. Now, they leave their personal equipment at home because we’ve purchased brand new equipment for them to use.As I visited with these hardworking employees, I was beaming with pride because I have always strived to have Customer Service be a guiding principle of all my work and I witnessed how our Precinct 2 employees are just as committed to doing their jobs well and treating all they those come in contact with dignity and respect. And this is something my administration strives to do every day.”
Be sure to check out the video and more photos from the day! To close off January, Commissioner Garcia hosted his first
“Café with Commissioner” at a grocery store located in Precinct 2 to connect and visit with residents. He will be hosting these meetups on a regular basis to gives residents an opportunity to meet him and share their concerns. To find out when the next Café with Commissioner will take place, be sure to connect with us on social media! You will also stay up-to-date about important programs, resources, and events taking place around Precinct 2. You can follow us on
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