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Q&A with Alma Galvan, Precinct 2’s Human Resources Business Partner

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1. Describe your role and how it impacts Precinct 2 residents.

As the Recruiter for Precinct 2, my primary responsibility is to identify, attract, and connect potential candidates for job opportunities within the Precinct 2 organization. By Identifying and matching candidates with suitable positions, I am contributing to reducing unemployment and providing individuals with the means to support themselves and their families.

  • Local Economic Growth: Successful recruitment efforts contribute to the growth of local businesses and industries. As more residents are employed, there is an increase in consumer spending, which stimulates economic growth and benefits the overall prosperity of the community.
  • Skill Development: Provide guidance to job seekers on improving their skills and qualifications. This focus on skill development enhances the employability of residents, making them more competitive in the job market.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with the local community through job fairs, career fairs and other events. This involvement fosters a positive relationship between recruiters, businesses, and residents, creating a sense of community support.

2. What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy playing a role in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workforce. By ensuring equal opportunities for candidates from various backgrounds contributes to a more diverse and representative job market. From building relationships with a variety of people (including candidates, hiring managers, and colleagues) to helping individuals secure employment, and contributing to PCT2’s success by finding the right talent, I will say are what I enjoy most in my role. I believe this helps make a positive impact on people’s lives, and that is what I strive for here at Precinct 2 as their Recruiter.

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3. What are some initiatives Precinct 2 human resources has taken to make it a great place to work?

Our human resources team is always looking for ways to make Precinct 2 a great place to work. Here are examples of some initiatives:

  • Development training: This empowers employees to foster a culture of continuous learning and prepare employees for the challenges and opportunities they may encounter in their careers.
  • Leadership conference: The event offers an invaluable opportunity to delve into the essential skills, strategies, and insights required for effective leadership and management. It is a chance to network and share experiences with current leadership and like-minded colleagues aspiring to become managers.
  • Wellness events: We offer flu vaccinations, chair massages, and on-site benefits representatives.
  • Employee engagement opportunities: We host an employee award luncheon, Circle of Excellence Awards program, and service awards.

4. What is your favorite place to visit in Precinct 2?

I would have to say Sylvan Beach is my favorite place to visit in Precinct 2. We have been going there for many years to watch fireworks on the Fourth of July. Not to mention how much my family enjoys walking on the beach and fishing on the pier. On occasion, we also use the boat ramp to go out fishing in the gulf. Sylvan Beach is a true gem of Precinct 2. It is the perfect location to go with your family for a nice BBQ party or splash along the waves. I highly recommend this spot to anyone looking for some quiet leisure time or to simply enjoy the day with your friends and family.