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Q&A with Precinct 2's Jose Alcala, Engineering Intern

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Describe your experience in the Step-Up Internship program.

The Step-Up internship has been an incredible learning experience. At the beginning of the internship, I was introduced to the different roles within the engineering department in Precinct 2. Right from the start, I felt welcomed and realized that the Engineering team cared about sharing their expertise with me.  Project managers have taken me along to their meetings in the field at the sites of their projects, where I listened to the in-depth planning and calculations that must be done by all involved in these projects. With that, I began to witness and understand how construction projects for Precinct 2 are planned and managed. 

What have you learned in the Engineering department?

I have been lucky to be guided and taught by the proficient staff members of the engineering department in Precinct 2. From Felicia Whalen (GIS & Data Manager), I learned how to use ArcGIS to create maps with detailed information highlighting construction projects in Precinct 2. Sonia Cantu (Capital Improvement Manager) showed me the importance of considering utilities on construction sites using Utility Conflicts Tables (UCTs). Project managers Walaa Badran and Cory Jerome have kindly taught me the process of working on road and sidewalk construction projects. In addition, I learned about sustainability in construction from presentations given by companies that work on projects in the Houston area and very informative discussions with Alejandro Alvarado (Project Manager). 

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How will this experience help you in your career?

This internship reveals what I will be seeing and working on in the future, given my interest in becoming a civil engineer. Through this internship, I have met numerous remarkable people and built strong professional relationships that will create future career opportunities. 

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

I will attend Lamar University as a graduate student this fall. I plan to obtain my Master of Science in Mathematics by May 2025. Then, I will pursue a degree in civil engineering and enter the workforce as an engineer within the next five years.