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Press Room

Commissioner Adrian Garcia Condemns Commissioners Cagle and Radack for Failing to Do their Jobs Today

For the past 20 years, certain members of the court have privately recognized the need to invest more into our county to deal with our growth, but have been unwilling to publicly address these issues. We are here as result of their neglect on ensuring that Harris County remains a destination for businesses. Part of their job is to ensure Harris County is resilient and prepared for the future. Given the growing population and the major challenges we face, Harris County must be able to fund operations and maintenance to protect its growth and remain competitive with other counties. Other Texas counties have taken the same step and raised their tax rates, including Travis, Tarrant, and Dallas.

This proposal is a fiscally responsible measure against a revenue cap that will hinder us from being a world-class county and will impact our ability to govern for years to come as we are witnessing with the City of Houston. Our proposal was a modest and responsible investment that would allow us to continue to provide services and protect our community. This should have been a priority all along but was not. Far too often, it is easy to overlook the underserved, the underrepresented, and the uninsured, but we are all in it together. I think everyone deserves to be supported in whatever their challenges are.” 

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